Dr. Elizabeth Lindsay, National Geographic explorer and native Hawaiian, said, “Don’t pray for fair weather. Pray for courage.” She encouraged woman to take the time to know who we are at our core. Dr. Lindsay believes feminine wisdom is needed now more than ever and that our wisdom will bring the world back into balance.
Charlotte Beers, former advertising executive and undersecretary for Colin Powell, reminded us that who we are in our personal lives is different than who we are in our professional lives. It is a change from womanly to female leaderly (her word).
Arianna Huffington, editor of Huffington Post, promotes a healthier lifestyle that includes more sleep and meditation. Her favorite quote from Rumi, “Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.” She suggested looking for the hidden message and opportunity in every experience especially during hard times. Arianna suggested that we do not have to make everything happen. We can also let things happen. Her favorite quote from a French Philosopher, Michel de Montaigne, “There were many terrible things in my life, and most of them never happened.” Finally, Arianna shared a little known fact: Babies laugh 300 times a day and adults laugh 20.
Diane Keaton, actress, reminded us to stay true to who we are. She suggested that we not be concerned with others opinions of us. She learned that beauty is within then expressed in what we do.
There you have it. Some inspiring words from inspiring women. I know you also have something to share so please add your wisdom.
Best, Kay