
Business Coaching

Business owners begin with the dream of owning a business to give them the freedom and income to have a great life and a company they are proud to lead. When reality is different from their vision, owners wonder what needs to change or what they need to do differently?

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Professional & Executive Coaching

A profession in which you feel valued and express who you are is different from having a job. How professionals experience their work is a reflection of how they think about themselves. Thoughts are creative. Beliefs manifest. It may not be logical, but it is very intuitive.

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Women Achieving

Women create and experience life in a uniquely different way than men. Recognizing and owning those differences gives us the space to express and share ourselves to create the life we desire.

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Meditation is a time to stop, focus on ourselves, and reconnect with who we are at our core. Meditation is essential to stay true to ourselves, know our path forward, and clear the distractions that divert our focus and awareness from our truth.

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Be Inspired

Free resources to guide and inspire you in using your intuition. Access videos, podcasts, meditation recordings, webinar/workshop recordings, and articles.


 Services> Great Guidance

Kay is integral to the preparation of my public speaking engagements. She is intuitive and offers guidance in having successful presentations. She provides insights into my working relationships and coaches me through the life challenges that confront me.

 Services> Intuitive, Consistent, and Methodical

Kay takes the best of both worlds by utilizing a proven framework with eMyth and allowing her intuition to guide her coaching session. Kay was instrumental in helping our team focus on the right things and the right time. One key area of growth was the position agreements developed for each area of the company. By documenting the roles needed in our company and giving each role a goal statement, we were able to rely less on people’s personalities and focus on the end result instead.

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