Dreaming Bigger means something different to each of us but for all of us – it is time.  Some women are programmed for big things. They were raised in the energy, pictures and concepts of great success and so they are.  It is not such a big stretch for them.

For others the expectation of big dreams was not part of what they were taught or what was expected so they are on their own.  Most women are in this group.  We have a vision then we either make it smaller because of what we believe is possible or we harness our energy and decide to make it happen.

The energy on the planet has changed.  We are in the millennium of the 2 – the feminine.  The cycle is in place for women to move forward and into a bigger way of being. This requires change, getting out of our comfort zone and great courage.  Courage is gathering up your energy and focusing it on something that seems too big, too hard and too scary.

From the Contra Costa Times April 21, 2013, ” There are currently 21 companies on the 2012 Fortune 500 list (ranking of largest US companies) that are run by women.  This is the highest number of female CEOs ever to lead Fortune 500 companies.  It is still only 4.2% of the total.”  That is a change from just seven in 2002.

Times are changing.  If you are ready to think bigger, now is the time.

We all have concepts, pictures, programming, energy and emotions in our space that talk us out of dreaming bigger, keeping our vision as a fantasy more than a reality.

Take the time to meditate on this to clear these energies from your space so that you can be all that you desire.

Best wishes on your success,


If you would like a consultation on what is in your way please contact me to schedule an appointment. https://insightintuitiveconsulting.com

Information on meditation. https://insightintuitiveconsulting.com/meditation.html