Whatever the secret sauce, everyone was lifted up by a shared passion for achieving the goals and vision they dream every day. The retreat last fall seemed focused on career and success in business, but Sarah stated firmly that she was focused on creating a relationship that her career was fine. As Sarah returned this year, she told how her life changed unexpectedly since the work she did at the last retreat. She moved back to her hometown on the East Coast leaving a career in San Francisco. With no effort, she landed a good job in her industry. Most importantly a relationship appeared in her life just like she planned. This year Sarah’s focus takes the next step, creating a family. As she described, “It is a miracle!”
When Keri attended the last retreat, she was a working artist and had been for many years. She came to the retreat to add to her career. Keri wanted a steady income, something more predictable. Much to her surprise opportunities presented themselves shortly after the retreat. A new career started, but the company was not a good fit for her, so she used the techniques she learned at the retreat to evolve her vision a step further. When she returned this time she was proud of her new career, that provided her with more than triple the income she had before and double what she expected. Keri is working with a highly visible Silicon Valley company and gets to travel for her work, travel was part of her vision. With her career fully developed for now, her focus has changed to creating a relationship. Keri left the retreat of her vision for the relationship she wanted to add to her life.
There are so many more stories I could tell. Each year the group of women who come to the retreat is not a coincidence. I watch them, young and old, career women and business owners, work to clear their thinking and go within to connect with who they are at their core. Then I watch the power of the group agreement. The agreement of this group is for each one to achieve their vision of success. They share their stories, their hopes; give and receive good counsel.
Women who have come to the retreat before help women who do not have experience creating a vision, who want to learn how to find the certainty and courage to create what they want in their lives. There are women who are afraid to dream or change and women who are certain and courageous. Women come from many places spiritually and in their life experiences, but there is magic when women come together to share, empower themselves and each other.
After each retreat, I am personally filled with inspiration for my next step. I feel that I create the retreats for myself to work on my vision of success and invite women to join me to do the same. So I want to thank all the women who have joined the WAG retreats over the years. I invite you into this community of women empowering themselves to create the life they desire and support other women in doing the same.
The WAG retreat is one of many ways women can come together in support of each other. What I learn each time is that nothing is impossible.
Best wishes on your success, Kay