ThriveArianna Huffington “Thrive” and Meditation

I met Arianna recently at the launch of “The Women’s Book” in San Francisco then listened to her keynote on a new definition of success.  Most of what she spoke about can be read in her new book “Thrive”.  Her strongest message was to meditate.   That same evening I attended an event in which Sheryl Sandberg interviewed her good friend, Arianna.  Sheryl admitted that she is trying to meditate everyday but her mind is go busy with life that she finds it hard to get quiet but is determined.   This is the most common statement I hear from everyone who is new to meditation.  Stopping to meditate is hard.  Getting quiet is even harder. This is absolutely true if you are new to meditation and true for those of us who do meditate but have a lot on our mind.

Meditation takes getting used to.  It is not easy to quiet the body and the mind but with daily attempts it becomes easier.  Sheryl said her goal is to meditate for five minutes.  Not a lot of time but it is a good start.
Keep it simple.
When you start meditating keep it simple.  Just decide to get quiet and listen to yourself.  Everything that is on your mind and in your space will become very obvious. Focus on what comes to mind.  Know that this energy is in your space.  Imagine releasing it down and out of you whether it is a person on your mind, am emotion, energy or a situation. Let it go.

 We hold onto stuff!

Without knowing we hold onto energy from conversations, experiences, projects, etc.  This energy builds up in our space until we need a spa day or golf day as a way to clear our space.  Meditation is way to clear our space everyday so that these energies do not impact our life, work, health, relationships, wealth, etc. because it will.  Without a doubt.

 The story of monks.

I was reminded of a great story about holding onto energy.  Two monks were walking down a muddy road after a strong rain. They came upon a young woman standing on the side of the road who clearly wanted to cross but the mud discouraged her.   One of the monks picked her up carrying her to the other side of the road and moved on.  At the end of the day the second monk said, “I cannot believe you picked up that young woman.”  The monk replied, “I put her down hours ago.  Why are you still carrying her?”

 Start today.

Begin your meditation today.  Start by making time to stop.  Sit in a quiet place.  Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath.  Relax and release as you quiet your body and clear your thinking until you feel relaxed and clear thinking. This is the first step. Just get quiet.
Contact me if you want to learn more about meditation for business owners and professionals.
Best wishes on your success,  Kay