People start a business because they are good at something (doctor, lawyer, IT technician, etc.), have a good idea (dog hikes, software designs, etc.) or enjoy the work (promotional marketing, selling modest women’s clothing, a family business, etc.). These owners begin with enthusiasm then after a year or two realize they have an excellent idea but do not know how to run a profitable business. An owner of a disc jockey business admitted that he had exhausted his ideas on how to be a profitable business and now needed help. That is a common experience.
This blog is written to share what I have learned from these courageous business owners, who are determined to be successful from an EMyth Perspective on business development.
There is no mystery to running a successful business, so it is my hope to dispel misconceptions, eliminate striving, stop short-term fixes and instead build a sustainable and successful business that gives the owner the time and space to enjoy their life.
For this to happen, change is required and not repeating efforts that have not produced results. Change begins with the owner and their relationship to their business. In this blog, I will tell stories of business owners who learned to be entrepreneurs and leaders in their business rather than spend less time doing the work of the business.
Those who try to change the business first, find themselves frustrated and disappointed. Others who take the time to reflect on how they are as a leader and understand their relationship to their business, are on the way to creating a business that can operate without them doing the work of the business.
Hiring staff that share your values, vision and match your brand is a major step, then designing systems for the team to follow, creates success.
I will share stories, invite you to share yours, ask questions and be part of the conversation.