Starting from the life you desire.
When we work with a to-do list or wake up thinking about our day, we are missing the point. Sometimes we just move from one moment to another, from one thing to another without a second thought as a matter of routine. Other times we are focused on one thing that we feel we need to do. Every day started in any of these ways can be a wasted day.
Wasted in that these approaches do not move us forward in any way. We just fill our day, being busy, doing things without regard to whether any of our actions are getting us where we want to be.
What if, we started each day reflecting on our life, where we are and where we want to be? Don’t be afraid of where you are or to dream. Starting our day with our vision in mind changes our perspective, realigns our values and creates different choices. Don’t think about this. Take a moment to try it.
- Stop right now and reflect/meditate on where you are now – in every aspect of your life. Don’t judge yourself, just notice. Write it down.
- Next, reflect/meditate on the life you desire. Don’t think, just image until you are clear.
- Now reflect on what you can do today to align with any aspect of the life you desire.
Don’t get me wrong; we may work that to do list or maybe not. Too often what we chose to do is a reaction to something or just a matter of routine. Acting in this way keeps everything the same with maybe a superficial, temporary change.
On the other hand, when we keep our focus on where we are going, the life we desire and act from that perspective, we create real change from where we are to where we are going.
Try a new way of being. Take five minutes (or longer) each day to begin by focusing on where you want to be in your life then act from that perspective. Do not be distracted by routines or being unconscious to yourself. Starting each day with your eye on the bigger picture will change everything.