Women cheeringI attended a luncheon for a select group of successful women owned businesses in the Bay Area.  What an exciting time!  Women are moving rapidly toward success.  As a business coach I watched intuitively to see the secrets to their success.  As it turns out, there is no secret but there were approaches that reinforced concepts I have seen in successful businesses.  Here are some of the tips these women offered as “secrets” to their success.
  • Don’t be afraid to hire staff more capable than you, in fact, this is essential.
  • Build relationships.  Network.
  • Give back.
  • Listen to your gut.  There is a reason it hurts.
  • Set goals high. Keep values in place.
  • Rely on your women’s intuition.
  • Team work and learn to collaborate because you never know where the next great idea will come from.
  • PMS = positive mental strength (a quote)  My interpretation – have a strong vision of where you are going.
  • Know where you want to go and let your people help you get there.
  • Always do the right thing.
  • Persevere.
  • One woman said, “Get a good nights sleep.”  Everyone nodded in agreement and she passed out a card for her mattress company.

It was a fun time.  We inspired each other.  We were enthusiastic about each other’s success.  This is the way women are.  Add to this list.  What is your secret to success?