Last week I attended the first public presentation of the annual UC Davis Study of California Women Business Leaders, a census of women directors and highest paid executives. The report shows there is an upward trend of American women in leadership but overall we represent only 11.5% of these positions in the 400 largest public companies in California!
It is worth recognizing Annie’s Inc. and William Sonoma, Inc. as both have 50% women leaders in their companies! Thirty-five percent of largest companies have no women directors including TiVo, Tesla and Open Table. Sixty-three percent of the largest public companies in California have NO women executives. All this despite the fact that companies with women in leadership out perform those who do not.
So what does this tell us? Women are changing. We are changing our vision for our lives and ourselves. The idea of having a vision for ourselves, beyond our family, was unheard of a decade ago, so things are changing rapidly. It is the millennium of the feminine, which means the energy on the planet has changed to bring forth the feminine. That does not mean just women. Men too can promote these values of collaboration, the greater good, supporting the whole, wellness, cooperation, creating together, sharing leadership and more. These are replacing old values of success at all cost (any cost), being first, personal success, money success, self-promotion, hierarchy, command and control among others.
The world and the planet are in desperate need of this shift to bring balance. The destruction of the environment, the economic collapse, dysfunctional governments and wars are all signs of the loss of balance between the masculine and feminine. The environment, the economy, social values, governments, businesses, families and communities are all in need of feminine values to bring forth wellness on all levels.
For the feminine principles to be incorporated women have to change by growing in our personal power, to come out of our lower energy centers and move into our upper chakras. What does this mean? Women have traditionally used our second and fourth chakras to be caring, healing, empathic, loving, nurturing but tended to set the upper chakra a step below the male in their family or at their work. We did not speak our truth, say what we see or show our seniority.
In this millennium, women will bring those same qualities that are so naturally feminine. Women will also bring more energy into their upper chakras (5th, 6th, 7th). Using the upper chakras will create space for clear communication, a strong vision of success and to experience leadership. We are doing this by holding our head high, taking back our seniority, not lowering our crown chakra, and standing in our personal power. Holding your head high means to use the crown chakra at the top of the head. For women, it might to fun to say to wear your crown!
Moving to the upper chakras is an easy transition of energy for some women and difficult for others depending on our genetics, life experiences, emotions and strength of spirit. Nevertheless it is our time to lead. It is meant to be. It is the millennium of the feminine. There is resistance to change, always and everywhere. That does not mean change is not possible or not meant to be.
Notice for yourself, what chakras do you use most of the time? Are you in your heart? Not a bad place to be but it is limiting you to just healing everyone all the time. Are you in your second chakra so that you feel and are empathic? Being sensitive to emotions is fine at times but it will limit you from being more in your life. Maybe you sit in your third chakra below the sternum, so you are responsible, work hard and try to please. These are good qualities but sitting here all the time can make you angry, resentful or in competition. We are not meant to use some of our abilities. We are meant to be whole that means to use all of our abilities including the upper chakras.
Make a change and see the impact for yourself and your world. Become a leader in your life and see how that manifests in the world. You are here at this time for a reason. You are part of this change, to the bring forth the feminine to live in partnership with the masculine. Stand tall. Hold your head high.
As always, I would love to hear your perspective as well.
Best wishes, Kay