In my generation, who I was was not nearly as important as what I showed others I could be. I spent so much time giving, healing, pleasing, performing and more that I had only a small sense of who I was. It got worse as others validated me for everything that I did so I did more, continuing the cycle of pleasing others. To do this, I had to have all of my attention on what they wanted from me then become that.
Because I am intuitive, I could tell what others wanted or expected so I would give it to them before they asked. They were amazed. It was a fun game until I realized it was never-ending. Am I the only one?
In this millennium of the feminine, things are changing dramatically. We raised our daughters to be more self-aware, to know their heart’s desire and to do what they envisioned for themselves. We are not there yet.
We are becoming more aware. There is a changing role of women and how we see ourselves, but old programming is hard to change. Are we still performing, pleasing and meeting others expectations for us? Is our self-worth based on what others say it true?
The change we desire does not begin with changing the view of others or the world. It begins within and reconnecting with who we are at our core. Knowing ourselves deeply within and holding that awareness, as our greatest value is the first step. Bringing who we are at our core into what we do and who we are in the world begins the change we desire. I am before I do. When we focus on doing we are missing the answer to Who am I.
Now is the time. The energy is set for the feminine. Go within to find who you are at your core (cor = heart) – the I AM. Bring that into what you do.
Best wishes on your success, Kay