Do you believe that there are no mistakes nor coincidences? I do.
The message right now is clear. Stop. Reflect. Come back to yourself. Reset priorities. Reimagine the life you desire. Take a deep breath and let go of how things have been.

Turmoil seems to be coming from every direction (COVID, the economy, destructive politics, escalating natural disasters, more hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, rising sea levels, increasing temperatures, floods, etc.). The message is so clear. As a people, we were headed in the wrong direction. Everything had gotten out of hand.

Our world history is full of stories of disastrous times that helped us stop and rebuild in a better way.

It feels like now is the time to push the big reset button. Consider that there is a message in every experience, good and bad. Shelter in place, social distancing, and wearing a mask tells us that it is time to step back, get out of the rat race, stop what we have been doing long enough to gain perspective. Pull back from everyone. Get out of each other’s space. Take time to reconnect with yourself. Heal yourself. Reflect on who you are, your purpose, and how you want to experience yourself in the world.

We were forced to step away from others. In my view, this is a gift. This is all a gift. By stepping back, we can gain the separation to see more clearly those who support who we are and those who do not. Slowly we will reengage with people but not everyone. This is an opportunity to break ties with those who distract us from who we are at our core. We can stay away from negative people and negative energy. We can decide to embrace people who inspire us and are inspired by who we are. How do you want to experience yourself in a relationship with each person?

Is your job or work still available to you? Do you need to find a new area of work? Regardless, the degree to which we are truly connected to who we are at our core, the better the opportunities we will see and the better our decision. Focus within. What’s right for you in your heart? Maybe you will go back to the same job or work, but there will be changes. Reflect on how you want to be in your work. How do you want to experience yourself? It is a new day, an opportunity to be yourself in the world, not what you should be.

Nothing will be the same. It is not meant to be. All of this is intended to create change. Watch. Wonder. Embrace change because we are always getting our goals when we are clear about what we want.