Dream Bigger
The theme of the failed retreat was “Dream Bigger”. Wow! Who doesn’t want that? Well wanting it and imaging it happening or getting out of our routine to make it happen are entirely different things. I realized immediately after sending out the first promotion for this retreat that I had stirred up pain, confusion and uncertainty.
Where is the enthusiasm?
How many of us have unfulfilled dreams? How many of us are willing to take steps to achieve them? Those of you who are in your twenties running an enormous amount of female creative energy can easily raise your hand and declare that you are ready! On the other hand life builds on us meaning we collect energy and pictures in our space over time that begins to impact our ability to stay true to who we are and what we value. Overtime our energy lowers and with that our ability to create change is diminished. Slowly and continually we get more and more into the energy of our routine keeping us stuck where we are.
Stop & Get Away
Yikes! That is why I created the WAG Retreats and why they are every three or four months so that we take the time to go to a space to break up patterns that lower our energy, prevent change and move us further from our vision of ourselves. In the past I did WAG retreats annually and that is great but it was not enough. If we want to continue to create change in our life we have to regularly get out of our routine, raise our vibration and find our way back to our original essence as a women – not just once a year!
When I suggested that we Dream Bigger it restimulated all the energy that is not moving in our space causing us to resist any change in our lives and in our routine. “I can’t come during the week!” Really? Think about how that might break up a routine.
It’s Too Soon or Too Late
Others started to think that it is too late to dream big. One forty something woman, “Time has passed me by!” There is no such thing but it is a familiar quote and she is programmed by it. You are never too old and it is never too late. You are not too young and it is never too soon. Age and time have nothing to do with Dreaming Bigger!
In A Routine
Dreaming bigger means answering the question, “What do I want to create next?” “What am I becoming?” Not to ask and answer that question often is to stay in a routine where nothing changes, where we are busy doing but not creating.
Too Much Effort
That other concept that comes up is to dream bigger means a lot of work. That may or may not be true depending on your pictures but more importantly I see this means energy is not moving and to get energy moving feels like hard work. When our energy is moving creating is easy.
What is That Dream?
Finally we have lost awareness of what that bigger dream really is for us. You are right. You cannot create that bigger dream from where you are now. You may not even remember what that was or it seems so far removed from where you are now. Taking the time to get out of our routine, to meditate and come back to our center is the only way to know what that bigger dream or what the next step is.
Are You Done?
Are you done creating? Or do you want to explore another step (dream)? You may not know what that is at this moment. How could you? We are too locked into where we are in your life as it is now. Maybe you know that dream but don’t know or can’t imagine how to get there. Once again, you can’t possibly know this until you create the space to know.
Get Out of Comfort Zone
Are you willing to create and allow change? Are you willing to be uncomfortable? Any and all changes make the body uncomfortable. That is expected. Often we stay where we are not because it is where we want to be but because it is familiar. Yikes again!
Take the time to meditate. More importantly, get out of your routine. Preferably take time away with other women so that you can raise the female energy in your space to a creative vibration and not the work hard vibration so familiar to us.
You can dream bigger.
Best wishes, Kay