Leading like a man does not work. Leading in ways that are not consistent with feminine values does not work. I tried both and failed. The world simply and desperately needs the feminine perspective not because we are better or right but because the world’s leadership is out of balance. How might things be different if men and women were in leadership in equal measure? How might things be different if there were more women at the table in conversations, creating policies, developing initiatives?
Feminine qualities of compassion, collaboration, intuition, support, connecting people, communicating authentically and creating circles not hierarchies are needed in every group that operates with leadership. When we are authentic, being who we are as women, bringing our values into the world then everything will change. A change the world needs to survive.
Being feminine does not mean being weak. Women are effective leaders because we are willing to reinvent the rules, sell our vision, turn challenges into opportunities, focus on achievement, show courage under fire, be in tune with those we are leading and value high touch. The toughest part is knowing that it is not about being liked by everyone. It is about having the qualities of a leader: a person who cares, someone with a strong vision, being a decision maker and problem solver, an inspirer of change, change to benefit many and someone others (not everyone) will follow.
It is time to take a step in leadership. We are all leaders in some way, i.e. our families, communities, schools, governments, our work, our businesses, on boards, globally and more. Not enough women are moving into leadership. We think we are not ready, not qualified, are waiting to be asked, waiting for the perfect time, fear, etc. You are never too old and it is never too late. On the other hand you are never too young and it is never too soon. Don’t wait. Find a way to lead or to move into the next level of leadership. We need your voice and your leadership. Being a leader is a journey in self-awareness so expect to be uncomfortable, to learn and to grow as you learn more about who you are.
It starts by seeing the leader in you, being leader like, being curious, not having to be right or perfect, listening to understand and most important – holding your head high. I truly mean this – stand tall – physically. It changes your energy in a way that shows leadership. Holding your head high and standing tall aligns your energy centers in a way that you will feel more certain.
Being a leader starts now. Your voice is needed. Answer the call to leadership.
Best wishes on your success, Kay