dreamstime_xs_29514363Women have the opportunity to become leaders in new ways.  We know we can create, support, innovate, run a business, make things better but are we embracing our role as leaders.  It is time to step it up. Women tend to do all the work and do it well, to support others in their work and to take care of things.  Now more than ever is the time for women to lead.  Feminine principles can guide our families, community, work and the world to a better place but are we stepping into this role?

Women Influencing Economic Growth

Women entrepreneurs and small-business owners are the propellers behind the fastest growing economies in the world, countries like China, Brazil, and India.  Women in the US are starting businesses at double the rate of men.  This is good news and brings women new opportunities to influence and lead. Too often though we keep our heads down, focused on what we are trying to accomplish and don’t look for possibilities to show leadership beyond what is familiar.  Women are natural leaders, each of us in different ways.  Our leadership can have enormous impact if we would step into that role.

Influence What Matters

Know what you are passionate about, feel strongly or are frustrated with.  Consider how you might make a difference as a leader in your family, community, the culture of business, the world, etc.  Women have sat back far too long and observed leadership that does not represent feminine values and we lived with it.  How might things be different if you, I and other women stepped into new opportunities to influence change?

Legislation on Behalf of Women

In 1978 HR 5050 passed and allowed women to get credit without the signature of their husband or another male! It also directed banks to consider women for business loads, established the National Women’s Business Council, etc. not that long ago! This year California passed a resolution setting standards for the number of women to be on corporate boards.  This resolution passed easily because studies have shown that boards with women on them outperform boards without women.

Owning Our Role

Why were we not there to begin with?  Why does it take laws and resolutions to make room for us and for our value to be recognized?   It begins with us.  What do we see as possible?  How do we view our role?  Moving into positions of leadership will not always be by invitation.  Many structures are set in their ways and not aware of the need to change so we need to be determined to make a difference.  Take the time to know the change you would like to influence.   If each of us took a step up to make a difference, to be a leader outside of our comfort zone yet focused on something we are passionate about we will collectively create enormous change.

Consider this for yourself and join other women who want to make a difference by bringing feminine principles forward.   Thank you for your leadership.

Best, Kay