This past week I attended a board retreat for an organization that supports women business owners – NAWBO CA. I came away in awe of how capable these businesswomen are and how natural success is for them. At one point as we were discussing an upcoming conference, one of the women said, “Our businesses are all over a million in revenue, right?
Notice how you react to that statement. I saw how natural success could be.
So you are wondering, how does success come naturally? It is not a mystery. Some women are awake to success, and others are not. What does it mean to be awake? Awaken is an intuitive term that refers to an ability to see clearly and know the nature of something – to be awake, to fully understand and know.
We are awake or aware of aspects in our life when we are raised to be aware in that way. This applies to any area of life. Some of us were raised to be healthy. Health was a natural state of being, so it is easy to be awake and aware of health. Others are awake to wealth. It is something that we were exposed to, experienced and are aware of. Still others are awake to creating relationships and so on.
It is not reasonable to be awake and aware to every aspect of life. As you can see some areas come naturally due to exposure and experience. For aspects of our life that do not come naturally, we can awaken or become aware by our efforts or work to awaken.
This is where it stops being logical. To awaken or to become aware of the essence of something like success means to understand it in body, mind and spirit. This understanding begins with knowing what success would look like. Taking the time to write our vision of success is essential.
Many struggling business owners resist doing this exercise, but it is so much more than an exercise. It is a declaration and commitment of a vision we are manifesting. Clarity and commitment can be frightening. With this, we are just working hard every day without achieving our vision of success.
Being exposed to success is another step that is important to awakening to success. Spend time with people who are more successful than your vision for yourself. In this way, you will find if you have any discomfort with the energy of success. Spending time in the energy of success helps us awaken and to become comfortable with how it feels to be successful.
To awaken to success, you must be able to see yourself being successful now, not in the future. This works best in meditation spending time imagining yourself successful, doing successful work, feeling successful, and experiencing your success. When we can imagine this in our mind’s eye, awakening to our energy of success then success is manifesting. If we cannot imagine ourselves as successful now, then it is not manifesting.
Clear your thinking. Your thoughts about success helped you to get where you are now. If you want something more then change your thinking about yourself, success, how to get there, etc.
To awaken to success includes letting things change, letting ourselves change and allowing that change to be uncomfortable. Letting go of control, old ways of thinking and routines will allow our vision to manifest.
In summary,
• Write down your vision of success.
• Spend time with people more successful than your vision.
• Meditate daily until your vision of success if fully manifested.
• Change your thinking.
• Allow everything to change.
Best wishes on your success, Kay