Imagine Wealth

Imagine Wealth

Are we ready to be wealthy?  Can we have it?  Women’s relationship to money is changing dramatically. Women have always been able to create their own money but our thoughts, perspective and ideas of what is possible create limits.  When we think about money and wealth this restimulates old thoughts, patterns, habits, routines, energies and emotions that keep us where we are and not where we want to be.

Some women were raised in wealth and are comfortable with the idea of it.  Others were raised in families where men controlled the wealth.  In other families women worked, had money but really the money was seen as men’s responsibility.  Maybe a woman managed the household money but the man was the moneymaker.  Yet in other families women could work had, make money but wealth was not something that was imagined.  In the new generation most women create money for themselves, plan to work, have careers or create businesses.   They are naturally creating their own financial position.  They don’t expect their partner to provide for them.  Things are changing.

“The number of wealthy women in the U.S. is growing at a faster rate than that of men.  In a two-year period, the number of wealthy women in the U.S. grew 68%, while the number of men grew only 36%.”– The Spectrem Group

The ways in which women create money and wealth is changing even more.  For most successful women success is not about money. It is about who they are, what they value and what is important in their lives.  They want to feel creative and that they are contributing something of value.   In the end they intend to make money in this way.  Most women are on board with this.  Others still create money using the male paradigm that values money first and success as most important.

“(Women are) questioning the status quo, realizing there must be a way to stay true to themselves and still be well compensated, without selling their souls, surrendering their authenticity or sacrificing their values.” Barbara Stanny, Forbes

Women are still paid less then men.  A recent study of MBA graduates indicates women with MBAs are paid less than men from the same prestigious schools. Bloomberg Business Week.  As an intuitive I see two energies at play here.  The first is that women’s values about money and work are different from men’s.  As stated above success is not measured solely by money.  The other is our pictures and concepts of our value.  Women are growing in their understanding of themselves in the world of money but we have a long way to go.  I often see my women clients undervalue their services compared to men.  These are pictures and programming that we can change when we are aware of them.

With all this change we have concepts that get in the way of having money fit with our vision for ourselves. Fear of money, money controlling our every decision, not having enough, having to work hard, not being paid enough, can only have so much, can’t have more than our spouse and so on are all concepts that are so programmed into our space that we act on them unconsciously and automatically.   These old patterns create our reality and not necessarily the reality that we want.

Women have established themselves in the workplace, as professionals and business owners.  The next step is to begin to change our concepts about money and wealth.  Notice where you are.  What are your thoughts about money? What can you have?  What are your concepts of wealth?  As we grow in our understanding of ourselves we grow in our ability to have money and wealth.  Don’t stay where you are.  Change your energy, thoughts and reactions to money.

Best wishes on your success,


Women Achieving Goals Retreat March 15-17, 2013 Dillon Beach, CA  Money, Wealth & Success