Studies show that when women are leaders and on boards companies are more successful. Governments that include women legislators (local, state and national) find they are peacemakers, collaborators, persons willing to find a compromise and show concern for the common good. The opposite of posturing, stalemates and self-serving agendas so common in government.
Discussions about equal pay for women do not explore all the possible causes. In many instances it is gender bias. May it also be that women hold different values? Women are not driven by pay in the same way that men are. Are we seeing a new set of values that represents a different perspective on success?
Women are changing the definition of success. We don’t use hierarchies in the same way men have. Women work best in collaboration and in circles. Money is not the prime motivator of women though more women are becoming the primary breadwinner so adequate pay is important but outlandish pay is not.
Women are very motivated to be successful and are highly competitive while at the same time want our success to fit into our lives, allowing us to have a personal and family life as well. For us success is defined in the whole of our life not just in the work that we do.
Success for women goes beyond themselves. It means caring about the well-being and wellness of their family and those under their supervision. Being well in body, mind and spirit is a value most women hold and we bring that value into their lives personally and professionally.
This past week I had the opportunity to speak with Arianna Huffington at The Women’s Book San Francisco launch luncheon then to hear her that evening with Sheryl Sandberg at the Commonwealth Club. Both highly successful women who in reflection are pondering the concept of success for women in this day and age. They each have a unique perspective on success, one for women growing their careers and “leaning in”. Arianna suggests that women take time to “lean back” in order to create a more balanced life. For her this means to meditate, be present, take care of yourself first and being well in body, mind and spirit.
For most men their work is their life. For women their life includes it all, success is at work, in our home, with our family, caring for our friends and giving to our community. A feminine perspective of success is one that the world is in desperate need of. It is a more self-aware and caring perspective that supports success in a way that creates our lives and the world we live in. If each of us steps back to reflect and define success for ourselves it will change the world. Join in this change.
Best wishes, Kay