Propel Your Business Conference – NAWBO CA included discussions about gender pay equity. This conference was for women business owners so it made we wonder if we are part of the problem or part of the solution. How do we, as women business owners, make a difference? So where are you on this issue?
- Business Owners
- What is your experience with gender pay equity? Reflect on your personal experiences.
- Does race make a difference in your experience or perspective?
- Are you paying your staff equitably? If so, is it a value that your company holds?
- Are you and your company committed to gender pay equity? Is that commitment written down and shared, i.e. on your website, in your compensation policies, and in your hiring process?
- Are you paying yourself equitably as a women business owner? Do you value yourself?
- Do you talk to others about gender pay equity?
- Are there actions you will commit to taking to eliminate gender pay (race) equity in your business, in your community and globally?
- Professionals
- Are you paid equitably? Do you know for sure?
- Does your company have a pay equity policy? If not, why are you working for them?
- If you manage people, are they paid equitably? Do you know for sure?
- Is there gender or race bias in your company?
- What can you do to be paid equitably?
- What action can you take to support gender (race) pay equity?