My mother wanted more so she trained as a lab technician in a local hospital, enjoyed the work very much then married, and her focus became her five children, her community and her church. She was a leader in every regard. Her goals related to taking care of her family, and she excelled.
Women achieving their goals may be important to me because I always felt my mom had more she wanted professionally or that I have three sisters who share my desire to succeed. My Catholic girls school that focused on their students excelling, being the best, winning awards and making everyone proud influenced me. Success was expected, and we cheered each other on.
Working as a coach for business owners and professionals for most of my professional life, I learned how different women are from men on an energy level. Women are raised with soft skills, to be kind, caring, giving, nurturing, collaborative, supportive, smart, educated and so on. These are good skills using the second and fourth chakras. We care and want to be seen in a positive light.
Success I have observed requires something different, a stronger level of energy using other chakras in our energy system. To be successful means to be determined, a strong energy from the third chakra. Men use this energy center easily and are taught to use their third for competition. Women are just as capable at being focused and determined, to use our third chakra though many are discouraged from a young age not to be so bold, aggressive or pushy.
I was speaking with my son yesterday who has two daughters, ages 5 and 7, about how young girls are programmed to be. He was always a strong, aggressive and successful person in school, sports and business. Could he imagine his daughters using their female power (2nd and 3rd chakras) to be just as focused and determined to be successful? He was already aware of encouraging them in that way though he admits it is sometimes overwhelming to have such power in little girls. We agreed it will look different when they are grown and using that power to be successful.
One of the most powerful energy centers for success is the first chakra, and women shy away from it because of programming. The first chakra is most often associated with fear though that is only one of the energies it manages. More importantly the first chakra stimulates our passion. Success is rarely achieved without passion.
As women getting comfortable using our first chakra, being afraid and still moving forward is essential for our success. Using our power in the third to stand strongly centered in our goals creates the energies needed for our vision of success to manifest.
Take a moment to focus on these chakras. Increase your awareness of them. The first chakra is at the base of the spine managing the survival instincts of the body, responding to threats (fear) and energizing our passion for creating. The third chakra is in the solar plexus just below the sternum. It is the center for your personal power, energy distribution in the body and the energy you use to manifest your vision. It is the pushy energy.
Notice how each one feels to you and the thoughts that come to mind when you focus on the 1st or 3rd chakras. Clear your thinking. Release energy. Don’t be afraid to take risks, get out of your comfort zone, to be powerful and determined. Achieve your vision of success and do it using all your female information.
Best wishes, Kay