Doing It Herself
Things are changing. Women no longer look for a man to provide for her. We are looking for relationships in a new way. Women are eager to create careers, businesses and success on their own. We are just beginning. Women have a lot of programming to overcome. Our goals are modest. Our certainty to create more than we need is growing but we have a long way to go. We tend to accept what they have or fits our programming.
Breaking the Mold
Thankfully more women are breaking out of the programming about what women can have. Some women are creating multi-million dollar companies or running them. Some professional women are making a mark and benefitting financially. Most women though unconsciously create modest goals or experience limits on their ability to create what they want. Unconsciously we are still creating what we need to get by and maybe a bit more. Our vision for ourselves and what is possible is not clear or in present time.
Stuck Concepts
Historically women’s concepts, programming and energy about money has gotten in the way of our ability to imagine or see ourselves having it. We have thoughts about money, our ability to create it, have it, save and invest that are limiting. On the other side spending becomes a crutch for money pictures. Are you still breathing?
Awareness of Where You Are Now & Why
Change comes when we take the time to know where we are now and why – to be self-aware. Meditation is a good way to do this otherwise it feels like too big a task or we get lost in our thoughts and emotions about money. In meditation we can become aware of our thoughts, emotions, experiences and programming that are in the way of our ability to create and have money so it works for us. In meditation we can release and not go into judgment of ourselves or others.
Creating Change
Changes come when we become aware of what we are being in this moment so that we can change our patterns in relationship to money. It also means creating a new vision (mental image picture) and seeing ourselves having more. When we have cleared enough of the stuff in our way and can imagine or see ourselves manifesting and having money in a way that is true for us then it is beginning to happen. If we cannot image this then it is not happening. In this case we can continue to be aware, clear our thinking, release energy we are holding onto and come into present time. How do you want to be with money now? Really know this. Clear your thinking and emotions then imagine a new vision.
When we come out of the past, change our routine (see routine blog) and create a new way of being in our mind’s eye then change has begun. Don’t stay where you are if it is not where you want to be. You are the cause of what you have and you can change it.
Best wishes on your success, Kay