There is a reason why going on retreat is so popular and essential.
To retreat means to get out of your routine. Getting out of our routine is hard. Routine is driven by the energy of a habit. These habits are reinforced every day and supported by others who share in our routine or even depend on it.
I do not mean that routines are wrong or harmful in some way. They are a problem when we get lost in our routine and lose awareness of ourselves. We lose a sense of who we are and where we are going. That is scary and so common.
Routine takes away our free will. We become unconscious and lose sight of what we want in our day or our life. Over time we become disenchanted with our routine. We begin to blame everyone and everything that is a part of it. We cannot see that we created the routine and we can destroy it or stop.
Being conscious and aware in present time gives us the space to experience our free will. It also creates space for our ability to choose. Routine does not involve choices.
To get our space back and regain our perspective, we need to stop and get out of our routines. There are many ways to do this. There are simple ways, i.e., changing your routine, going on vacation or more impactful ways, i.e., going on retreat.
Retreats are designed for self-reflection that is more than getting out of a routine. To retreat means to separate from what pulls on you, to break away from whatever is driving your days and your life. It means breaking away, and this is hard to do.
During the twenty plus years that I have been conducting retreats for women, I see how hard it is for women to get away. It is even harder if it is for themselves. Taking family vacations, going on a trip with a partner, etc. are more natural. Breaking away only for yourself is more challenging. Programming would say, it is not essential or is selfish.
Quite the contrary, when we get away, release demands and expectations, we are better. We are in a better space to create our lives in the way we desire.
When we get away, break away, we create a sense of freedom and relief. We regain perspective. We see more clearly what is driving us every day and how we would like things to be different.
Getting away and being with women, allows our female creative energy to run freely. It enables us to raise our energy to a feminine vibration that makes us feel so alive. Experiencing our energy heals us.
To be able to get out of our routine, to break away and go on retreat, requires a strong commitment to yourself. Meditate on this for yourself. Many women join a retreat every year as a commitment to themselves. They know how important it is to get out of a routine that made them unconscious. They want to find clarity and the freedom to choose.
Best wishes, Kay