In coaching Sara’s goal was to define her vision of success. What did she want to create next? She had many ideas but could not commit to any one of them. Time was passing, and her funds were running low. I watched her use avoidance and denial of the reality of her situation. Sara’s attention turned to making small amounts of money just to get by, a contract here and there. She could not see herself as successful as she had been in the past. Old invalidations came to mind. Sara began to create stories about herself starting with “Every time I make a great connection something goes wrong.” She began to believe this then stated it often and so that is what she created. She made great connections that got her no further toward her goal of making money again. Our thoughts are powerful, and they are creative.
Out of money, behind in her mortgage and only small options in sight I was able to get her attention. She saw now was the time to stop thinking small. Sara needed to change her thinking 180 degrees from “I am small” to “I can have the opportunity to fully use my abilities”. Sara began to release the energy of being small that she was holding so strongly. From there she was able to raise her vibration to a higher level and imagine something bigger. She needed something bigger. She changed from holding her head down to holding her head high.
Three days later everything changed. A well respected business owner called who met Sara at an event she created for a client (part of the small money coming in). He wanted to discuss a job opportunity. By the following day, he had offered her a job and her first assignment was to run his company for a couple of months. He wanted to take off time he desperately needed and knew Sara was the person who could take over. This was NOT SMALL. Sara had changed her space 180 degrees and someone noticed.
Sara is still stunned by the turn of events. She knows this is a big challenge though she also knows she has the experience and courage to take it on. This story reminds me of our power to clear our thinking and reset our space and perspective to achieve our vision of success.
Best wishes on your bigger dreams, Kay