There are no coincidences so the women that happen to come together for each retreat is also not a coincidence. There is an answer for us from each person. One woman became very angry with another from a question she asked about her business. They were both business owners which is why I paired them for this particular exercise. I knew they had answers for each other. Soon after the anger subsided, Karen realized that Susan’s communication was absolutely correct and exactly what she needed to hear. She went back to Susan and thanked her for getting her out of her comfort zone. There are no coincidences.
From an intuitive perspective when someone creates a reaction in us it is not about them. It is about something stuck within us that she restimulated, and we reacted. Without that communication we may never become aware of where we are stuck. It may be the very thing that needs to change to move forward.
This is one example though I can name ten from this retreat. It is common for us to blame or react to a woman who makes us uncomfortable. Maybe we resist her, get into competition with her, find a reason to dislike her, find fault with her, etc. All of these are common reactions when someone restimulates something stuck in us. We hate her because she makes us uncomfortable in some way.
From an intuitive perspective we could look at this another way. When we resist another woman or she does or says something that creates a reaction in us it is time to focus within to find out why. It is an opportunity we do not want to miss.
Meditation is the best way to find out why we are reacting. We want to use meditation so that our thinking does not obscure our awareness. Begin by quieting the body and clearing your thinking then ask what she restimulated in you. We are uncomfortable when an energy, emotion or concept stuck within us is experienced. Being aware of what that is helps us get unstuck, move forward and create change.
The next step on the story mentioned above is success. Susan told Karen that her need to control everything in her business was getting in the way of her business growth. Susan restimulated the control energy in Karen’s space. Karen reacted with anger. Later in meditation Karen realized Susan was right. She is controlling and gets angry with her staff because of the unconscious need to control. Once Susan showed this to Karen she became aware.
As a result, Karen created big changes in her business within a week of the retreat. Karen decided to pay attention to all the ways she controls in her business. Her staff took on new responsibilities, felt more empowered, and everyone was enthusiastic. When you raise the vibration of any business you will see growth. That communication and the change Karen made resulted in doubling of her revenue that month.
So who lights you up, makes your uncomfortable or do you resist? It is not about her. Take the time to meditate, go within and find the stuck energy, emotion, concept,etc. that she pointed out to you. Thank her for showing this to you and don’t miss the opportunity to find an answer for yourself. It may be exactly what you need at that moment.
Best wishes on your success, Kay
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