Mark has been a locksmith for decades. He created a successful, reputable locksmith company. Everyone called Mark – then they didn’t. No one knew more about locks than Mark until technology crept into the field. People can snow secure their homes and businesses remotely. He had to make a choice – innovate or close.
Mark and his co-owner and wife, Carol, needed to get creative. According to author John Updike, “Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.” Mark and Carol not only needed to innovate, but they also needed to find a way to do it better than what was currently available. This example is a locksmith company, but I could name hundreds of industries that are being impacted by technology, economy and others innovations.
The Unknown
Being creative means stepping into the unknown, coming out of your current way of thinking, perceiving and solving problems. Being creative and innovative means redefining your vision, reaffirming your values, knowing what is not working, being willing to learn and get outside your comfort zone. It means revisiting your company’s brand commitment.
Begin by allowing change, letting go of how things are now and opening your thinking and your intuition to new ideas, innovation is possible. Innovating does not happen all at once. Creative and innovative thinking is inspired when we get out of our routine; spend time away from our business, to clear our thoughts and quietly open our awareness to new possibilities. Anything is possible. Did you know that a creative and innovative cobbler invented right and left shoes? Before that they were all straight. This is the heart of the entrepreneurial spirit.
Innovation is not always logical. Most often creative ideas come from listening to our intuition, being inspired by a new idea even if it is counter to logic. The best way to be intuitive is to create a quiet time to look at your business in a new way. Try not to think at first. Just imagine the business you desire and the possibilities. Listen to your intuition. Once you get an inspired innovative solution, then apply logic and planning to organize and orchestrate that innovation.
Change is essential and achieved in different ways. Some ways are:
- Innovative strategies to solve problems. New solutions to old problems.
- Change may mean new products and services, moving beyond what you have traditionally done to stay competitive.
- It may mean changing or adding goods and services.
- Create a culture of innovation by encouraging innovative ideas and solutions from everyone. Learn to co-create.
- Leverage technology. There is no way around this.
- Take a good hard look at your current market and imagine new markets.
- Communicate with your customers. Learn from them how you could be better.
Creativity and innovation does not begin with having an answer or trying to solve a problem. The process starts with creating space to imagine new possibilities. Create time and space to innovate and be inspired. This is the heart of the entrepreneur.