A study showed that the more we think about something, the less accurate our thinking becomes and yet we dwell on things endlessly. What would happen if we stopped thinking about things and decided just to be present with ourselves? How might things be different if we did not bring all our thoughts about someone or something to a situation and just experienced it in present time? I am sure our experience would be different.
If we got out of our minds and increased our awareness in present time, life would be vastly different. When I am working with someone who states what they believe to be true but is way off the mark, I ask, “What if that is not true?” This question always shakes up their thinking.
Notice something you are stuck on, notice your thinking about it and ask yourself, “What if that were not true?” This exercise can free up so much energy, allow you to let go of old ways of thinking, come out of your mind and be in present time.
Start this New Year in a new way. Try to stop thinking so much. Instead, just be present and aware in the moment. See what is and not what you believe is. You will experience miracles I am sure.
Best wishes in the New Year, Kay