The twenty-first century was the beginning of the millennium of the feminine – “the millennium of the two.” This millennium creates a naturally occurring cycle of change from masculine values to feminine values. The difference is a change from one dichotomy to another. From the masculine values of being first, the best, personal success, and protecting self, to the feminine values of collaboration, working toward a common good, taking care of each other and the planet. I could go on and on. We have waited so long for this cycle to change. It is already 2020, and I have been impatiently waiting for the changes I expected since 2000. Shifts toward feminine values are emerging.
Many companies moved from a command-and-control approach to a collaborative, make a difference, “do no harm,” and mutual support management style. We are not there yet, but the influence of the feminine is changing the nature of business.
We still struggle to care for the environment. In the masculine model, the value of money and power comes first. In the feminine, care for the planet is paramount. We believe you can have prosperity and take care of the earth at the same time. We do not see them in conflict.
Treatment of women is changing. Women are becoming vocal about how we are treated in the workplace, at home, in the entertainment industry, and society. Sexual bias and harassment are real and need to change.
Women in leadership are gaining traction. The old boys’ network has been so thoroughly ingrained in our thinking and culture that change has been slow. More women are becoming CEOs of major corporations. Not enough have broken that glass ceiling, but we are on the way. Most notable is Mary Barra of General Motors. Who would imagine a woman leading a car manufacturing company? What about Miami Marlins hiring Kim Ng as the first woman to be a general manager in any major men’s sports league in North America? We cannot forget our vice-president-elect, Kamala Harris.
To be clear, feminine does not mean female. Feminine in this context relates to feminine values that men and women can share, and not all men nor all women have evolved their thinking to the feminine but more will.
For a while, I wondered how Donald Trump became president during this time. The reason became apparent as he showed us the remnants of the millennium of the masculine – “the millennium of the one” that ended in 1999. We all need work to free the world of this old way of thinking and embrace the new millennium and feminine values. Donald Trump is a reflection of “the millennium of the one.” Now is our opportunity to move away from those old values and embrace the feminine, take care of each other, take care of the planet, support each other’s success, speak the truth, work together, and more.