We have to know this about ourselves if we are ever going to change it. We dream too small. Would you have selected that if it were on a list of concerns? That is not to say that it was the most important concern just that every woman in this sample selected this among other concerns. That is significant and consistent with my experience working as a coach.
There are so many reasons why women dream small. I am not sure how many women truly want to change and how many have simply accepted that they missed the boat. There is no missing the boat. That means that you decided not to be determined enough to dream bigger. No judgment here just a recognition that we are in charge of our reality and our choices. Some things feel like too much effort or look impossible.
From an intuitive perspective when something feels like it is too much effort this means your energy level is too low in body, mind and spirit and this can change. It takes a high vibration to change, to move a mountain in front of you or to forge that river on your own. That does not mean you cannot do it, and it is not too late. It does mean that it begins with raising your energy level and being determined. There are many ways to do that some are practical and others more spiritual.
The idea that it is impossible to dream bigger is simply that, an idea. Nothing is impossible from an intuitive perspective though we can create pictures, thoughts, ideas and concepts that are so strong that we make it so. The other side of that coin is to change our thinking, and clear the pictures and concepts that say we cannot. Once we clear our thinking then we can create a new set of ideas that say how we CAN make it happen. When we can see this in our mind’s eye it will manifest.
When we say we are dreaming small what we really mean is there a part of ourselves that we are not experiencing or expressing. When we do not experience or express who we are, we feel less of who we are. This, in fact, is true, but it is our choice not to express or experience all that we are.
If you are like most women then you checked off the box that said, “I dream too small.” It does not have to stay that way. Every day is an opportunity to get out of old routines, habits and stale ways of being. Meditate on what inspires you. Take steps to raise your energy level in body, mind and spirit. Change cannot happen at a low vibration. Imagine ways in which you are inspired every day in a new way.
Decide to do something bigger, maybe a little bigger then let one thing lead to another moving forward from dreaming small to having a bigger dream that allows you to be more of who you are.
Let you light shine.
Best wishes, Kay