Your circle can include both paid and unpaid advisors. Preferably, each has an area of expertise different than yours. A circle helps us keep things in perspective, offers insights, provides needed information, gives support, is brutally honest, and cares about your success.
There are many models of support. I am President-Elect of National Association of Women Business Owners, SF Bay Area this year (that means I’ll be the president next year). We have a great model of support for the leadership, which ultimately supports the organization. In any given year, we have a President-Elect (president in training), the current President (who does the heavy lifting) and the immediate Past President (who helps fill in the blanks). Then there are all the other past presidents, who step forward in support of NAWBO. This is an incredible model. I wonder if this model is particularly effective for a women’s organization.
Other, less-formal models are also effective. Many of my clients have an advisory board of highly skilled professionals who advise from their areas of expertise. This board serves a different function from paid professionals, who provide services in areas where a company can benefit.
Create a circle of support. Include people who are going to push you out of your comfort zone. You family and friends love and support you, but we all need the critical eye.
Best wishes on your success, Kay