I was heartbroken when I heard a young woman talk about the competition between women in her company. She made this comment following an inspiring presentation by Carla Harris at a Morgan Stanley luncheon. Carla is Vice Chairman of Wealth Management at Morgan Stanley, current President of the National Women Business Council to the President, author, singer and more. She had just given an inspiring talk about her professional growth, the challenges presented for being black and a woman. The audience was moved by her story and the sense that it is possible for women to become leaders in any industry.
Listening to Carla, we were sure things had changed for women, and they have, then a young woman raised her hand to ask a question. She too was inspired, but her reality was different. She asked Carla about the competition she was experiencing between women in her workplace. The room suddenly felt cold. Women in the audience had experience with competition that can arise when women feel they have to compete with other women to succeed. Carla appeared discouraged to hear this though she too had experiences of this kind. Her guidance was not to engage in competition with other women. She advised to stay focused on your goals and spend time with women who support other women.
On a spiritual level, competition against someone or something is the great destroyer. It takes us off our path and changes our energy from who we are at our core. When we are in competition our energy changes from who we are to match or resist the energy of someone or something else. We lose ourselves.
I have an intuitive view on situations where two or more people or perspectives are at play. There is no need for competition as there is no scarcity, and there is space for everything and everyone. When we engage in competition, we are in effort and resistance. Both of these energies take us off our path and away from our vision.
Over the years, I have observed many instances where the energy of competition against someone or something was in play. Outcomes created through this level of competition never turn out well. Situations do not turn out because everyone is off their path. An energy correction will ultimately occur that undoes the outcome.
At present, I am watching a new young leader come into a non-profit that has been in existence for decades. Her energy and actions bring competition that says, “You all have been doing it all wrong, all this time, and I am going to fix it as soon as I can get rid of all of you”. Anyone ever experienced some form of this energy? It is the competition of destroy. The energy of destroy is never one way. Have you ever heard the adage, “What goes around, comes around?” On an energy level that means whatever energy we are being, will attract the same energy. This young leader will bring in others who are in competition, are happy to destroy to get what they want and so they will experience their efforts being destroyed by competition. Yikes!
On the other hand when we stay focused on who we are at our core, our vision of success and take determined actions then our vision manifests. No one is in our way. We do not have to destroy someone or something else. Competition comes from pictures or concepts some hold and believe. When we get out of competition, we get out of scarcity and the concept of either/or – “Either I can get my goals or she can get hers.” Try a different concept that is both/and – “ I can get my goals, and she can get hers.”
When competition presents itself, avoid stepping into that game or being lured into that way of thinking or talking. Decide how you want to be. Surround yourselves with people who support your vision. Meditate on your vision. Clear your thinking. Have enthusiasm for what you are creating. Take determined best actions that bring you closer to your vision of success.