Lynne spoke about women she met this year in her travels. Women who live in desperate situations of abuse, poverty, violence and yet have a strong sense of who they are and display a sense of purpose for making life better. These women were not merely sharing their stories with Lynne and the other women in her delegation, they were sharing their efforts to make a difference in their own lives and in the lives of women in their region. Lynne cried through most of this part of her talk as she spoke about these women. She cares deeply and invited us to find that caring within ourselves.
Listening to her and looking around I observed how often we simply don’t care. I am not talking about traveling the world as Lynne does and caring about people everywhere. That is BIG caring. I simply observed the women in this gathering and how easy it is to sit in a room or at a table with other women and not care. How did we get to this place of not caring? Not caring disempowers us. It lowers our energy and the energy of those around us. It brings us to our lower self. Caring is a higher vibration of awareness. It raises our vibration and inspires.
Caring is a big topic. It can be a large endeavor or small. I am referring to caring in the moment. In this instance eight women were sitting together at ten tables. Did the women at the table care about being with the other seven? As an intuitive I know there are no coincidences so it was not happenstance that the eight of us sat at the same table. In fact I was speaking to a guest during the reception, really liked our connection and moments later she unknowingly sat at my table. Not a coincidence.
Caring in the Moment
How might our experiences be different if we approached them from a space of caring? When we don’t care, we are not aware. We are sitting in unconsciousness, operating on old habits or thoughts none of which have meaning in the moment. Caring is to know and engage in the moment, to discover something about the connection we made by sitting together. You have heard the term “Lean In” from Sheryl Sandburg. Well, one of the women at our table was clearly leaning out! That affected us all. How might it have been different if everyone leaned in, cared and engaged to find out about the experience in the moment?
Know When You Don’t Care
I am not suggesting that we must care about everyone and everything. I see it is important to care in the moment to fully understand and become aware. It is equally important to know when you are in a situation that you do not care about and quickly remove yourself and not sit in the energy of not caring. The energy of not caring affects our space by lowering our vibration which has a negative impact on us and those around us. So know when you do not care and to remove yourself from situations like this.
What Do You Know About Caring?
I am just beginning to understand the concept of caring in the moment. Most of what I know comes from religious programming which is not where I am coming from. Religious programming makes caring a rule of behavior. I am looking at caring as an energy level and spiritual awareness that shows me where I am in relation to you or others. Your insights are appreciated so please share them. It is clear caring is important in this cycle on the planet so let’s experience caring in the moment and see what we learn.
Take care, Kay