The speaker who impressed me the most was Charlotte Beers, former CEO of Ogilvy Mather Ad Agency (and a few before that) and former Under Secretary of State. The title of her book is “I’d Rather Be In Charge”. Charlotte is focused, determined and not fazed by what others think of her. It is not her goal to please everyone or to be liked by everyone though she did present a way to work with colleagues and clients that does involve being liked.
Your Brand is You
Charlotte pointed out that your real brand is you. Your brand is how you are as a person, your gestures, speech, the way you dress, etc. She pointed out that you cannot hide behind your work, career or job. Your brand is also your relationship to your clients and your colleagues. Charlotte’s brand from my perspective is no-nonsense; don’t waste a word and finding the best solution for her client while asking them to give to her. What energy to you give out that defines your brand?
Integrity First
Charlotte learned quickly that to survive she had to be truly herself, no front, no ego, no facade and no “you shoulds”. Shortly after she was hired as CEO at Ogilvy Mather, one of her VPs told her in confidence that staff were moving to have her fired. They were not confident with a woman at the helm. Charlotte had been hired to turn around a “sinking ship” and she had a plan to do that so she relied on her integrity and not being liked. In the end she brought the company back to financial success. Integrity matters.
Give a Present then Ask for One
Her strategy when developing new clients was to tell a story that people could connect to emotionally, to be generous, have fun, show passion and when you ask for something (contract, sale, etc.) offer a present. She told the story of reaching out to their largest client who had not given them new work in years. Her “present” was an ad campaign she guaranteed would make their client’s new product the top choice among consumers. In return (the ask) she wanted to receive contracts from them for new ad development.
Making Room at the Top
The message I received from Charlotte about success as a woman is to know who you are. Women are just emerging into levels of leadership and there is still resistance and gender bias. When we are certain about who we are then we can begin to make room for ourselves, to be leaders and establish success. Women need to imagine bigger.
Know Who You Are
Knowing who you are at your core and bringing that forth in what you do is a concept I encourage. We are not what we do. Knowing ourselves from within then letting who we are at our core to flow into what we do makes for success. Who we are is an energy level, a vibration within us. When that energy flows from within through our vision of our success it manifests in a way that is a unique expression of ourselves. This is a different way of creating than trying to become something we are not or pleasing others, thinking that will bring success.
Much to my delight Charlotte recommended meditation as a way to go within and find who you are. I suggest that we take the time to meditate everyday so that we know who we are that shows up as our brand, certainty and integrity.
Best wishes on your success, Kay